4-H Activities Calendar

Thursday, August 4, 2016

4-Hers Attend BJP Camp, plus Fall Club Info

This summer eight youth and I attended Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp (BJP in Reidsville, NC.  My guess is that some of you reading this attended that camp yourselves.  (If so, I’d love to hear from you) “The Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Educational Center was dedicated May 17, 1964 as a gift from Betsy Penn to the NCSU 4-H program in honor of her late husband Jefferson Penn. The Center’s nearly 200 acres of fields, forests, lakes, and streams were given to the citizens of North Carolina by Betsy Penn, who built the facility and then donated it…” (http://www.bjpenn4h.org/)

Jackson County 4-Hers have been attending summer camp for many years and we were happy to carry on the tradition.  For many children this is their first time away from home and the opportunity provides an important step in learning independence.  At BJP the campers participate in many activities such as arts & crafts, canoeing, a climbing wall, swimming, sports, horseback riding, and archery.  Through these activities they can learn teamwork, creativity, courage, persistence, and skill development.  An 11year old boy quoted in the American Camp Association study on the benefits of camp stated “I learned better sportsmanship and listening skills that helped me bring up my grades in behavior.”

We are so appreciative of members of the Jackson County ECA (Extension Community Association) for their contributions to 4-H to assist with camper scholarships.  We welcome contributions to the Camper Scholarship fund.  Please make checks payable to Jackson County 4-H or contact me at 586-4009 or heather_gordon@ncsu.edu for more information.

Sign up for 4-H Camp now.  Yes, you read that right.  A group of youth from Jackson County will attend Betsy-Jeff Penn Camp next summer (probably the last week of June).  The camp is for ages 8-15 and the cost is $420.  We request a number of spaces for Jackson County campers in September and if you sign up now your child can look forward to camp for the whole year.

If you have a child or grandchild interested in joining 4-H this is a great time to do so.  We have the following clubs:

Cloverbuds: ages 5-8, meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, program focus – jobs people do/cooking/heritage crafts

Explorers:  ages 9-13, meets the 2nd Monday of each month, program focus – outdoor education (hiking, trees, streams & rivers, maps, birding)

4-H Book Club:  ages 9-13, *NEW CLUB, potentially meets the 4th Monday of each month.  This club needs an adult volunteer leader.  If interested please contact me at 586-4009 or heather_gordon@ncsu.edu.
Youth Leadership Council:  ages 14-18, meets the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, program focus – youth voice, leadership, service, youth-led projects.

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