4-H Activities Calendar

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Explorers Club

Nature Club turned into Science 4 Life Club which turned into Explorers Club.  We're exploring science in all it's forms.  Come join us!

March 28 – The Magic of Electricity (Hana, Myranda & JB-WCU students-leading)

April 11 – Outdoor Exploration (Hana, Myranda & JB-WCU students-leading) 

April 25 – Fun With Science (Hana, Myranda & JB-WCU students-leading)

Friday, March 18, 2016

$500 For Your Youth-Led Project!

Application Deadline: April 1st!
The Jackson County Youth Leadership Council will be awarding up to $500 to youth-led groups within our community that wish to complete a project.
This grant is available to Jackson County youth from elementary school through high school.
HOW TO APPLY: Please visit our website (below),http://jcyouthleadership.weebly.com where you can download the Request for Proposal you must fill out and submit. This is a straightforward form that will also fully elaborate on our grant process and guidelines.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Heather Gordon of the Jackson County 4-H Program at 828-586-4009 (office), or email at heather_gordon@ncsu.edu
We encourage the youth of Jackson County to take advantage of this opportunity! We are really looking to empower you to achieve your goals and increase your influence in the community. If at all interested, please consider submitting a proposal. We are excited to hear from you all.
Don't forget to submit by APRIL 1st!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

NC State Fair Annual Youth Market Turkey Show

Raise a turkey hen poult and show it at the State Fair in Raleigh.  There are turkeys available for 300 participants across the state. The first 300 participants who pay the $10 registration fee by June 1st (for each person not for each poult) after they have registered online, will have poults reserved for them.  Here's all the details:  https://poultry4hyouth.ces.ncsu.edu/youth-market-turkey-show/
 The turkeys will be shown on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 9:00 am.  There will be one Grand and one Reserve Champion auctioned on the next day, Saturday. The Gobbler age division (5 - 8) shows their birds for placement in their class, and will have a Grand and Reserve Champion award, but the Gobbler age division birds will not be allowed to compete for the final Grand and Reserve Champions. 

The age divisions, which are age as of June 1, 2016, are: Gobbler (5-8 years of age); Junior (9-13); and Senior (14-18). 
The turkeys will be shown 15 birds per class with EVERY participant winning a ribbon and placement money.  Of course, 1st through 10th place will win more money. Class assignments will be displayed the day of the show as well as emailed to everyone the night before, Thursday. Remember, you must be registered in grades K-12 on the day of the show to be eligible for this event.    

Turkey hen poults will be available for pick up, on June 9th and 10th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm, at the NCSU Animal and Poultry Teaching Unit, 3901 Inwood Drive, Raleigh, NC 27603. It is located off of Lake Wheeler Road.     

Please contact Jackson County 4-H Agent, Heather Gordon, if you wish to register.  Registration opened today - March 1st.  586-4009 or heather_gordon@ncsu.edu