4-H Activities Calendar

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Find It Here!

So, you may have noticed that there hasn't been a Jackson County 4-H Newsletter in some time.  I've been sending emails, posting on Facebook, and updating the 4-H Activities Calendar on Google but believe I'm not getting the information to everyone.

I've been wanting to make this blog the central place for information for some time now but have been waiting to "make it perfect."  I don't really know much about blogging and wanted to make a plan and then blow you all away with the amazing things at this blog!  In the meantime I've been the unintentional keeper of the information about 4-H activities and others don't know what's going on.  That changes today!  (it may not be perfect but by golly I hope you'll understand)

I hope you'll stop by here often to look at the 4-H Activities Calendar, read about upcoming activities, learn about volunteer opportunities, and read about youth development topics.

Please let me know what you think.

Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development

p.s.  If anyone out there has tips and tricks to share with me about blogging I sure would appreciate it if you'd share.

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